Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So much to do!

Download photos, convert photos, post photos, apply to UH, apply to [other schools], apply for an internship at Hawk Mountain, print HMS application, contact potential graduate advisors, mail letter, get car checked out, bake cookies, get xmas gifts, go shelling, eradicate no-see-ums.

I biked to work this morning and then back (of course). It took me about 35 minutes, at least I think. I'm not sure exactly what time I left. I'm exhausted. As I biked, even though I was moving and creating a breeze, the no-see-ums found me. I was bitten 5 times before I made it. But imagine if I had been walking! Augh!

I really like this job. I've been doing a lot of creating or editing publications and outreach materials. I also like the interpretation part, though I haven't gotten much into that yet. Programs start Jan 1, and I'll be giving a 30 min program called "Basic Birding Skills" and also giving a tour at the Bailey Tract, a freshwater canal area.

I guess I also feel very busy because I'm dealing with applying to schools and grants and internships, and when I get home after a long day, I still have some stuff to do on the computer. But, I've been doing a little bit each day this week, and it's getting done.